Tuesday, April 7, 2009

video outline

heres the start of my video outline
1. brief history of ARPANet to now, how community is a core value of the internet
-people behind arpanet started the internet culture's core values
-sharing, community, interaction, ideas not people
-the entire point was to form research communities to advance knowledge
-time sharing and packet switching
-conforming protocol so that all can connect no matter what computer
-email established early on
-email started mailing communities
-then message boards such as usenets for research collaboration next communities
-still large computers and no real usage by general population
-creation of personal computer
-creation of world wide web
-personal computer and www made the general population able to connect
-community flourishes

2. types of community
-text base (usenet, irc, bbs, muds etc.) can be whoever you want but handles important, social capital
-web 2.0 starts new communities (visual youtube authenticity important, real self)
-creative community (secondlife, able to be anything and represent your self through avatars)

3. introduce 4chan and how its a unique community built around anonymity

4. future of virtual community?
-what happens with cybernetics (blend of computer and human's could happen, connect in profound ways)

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